Manufacturer: 3M
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The SoundPro™ SE/DL Series includes advanced hand held sound level meters and real-time frequency analyzers. When used with DMS applications software, you can simply and reliably perform your advanced noise analyses.
All meters include two virtual sound level meters to simultaneously measure multiple regulatory requirements. Meters equipped with 1/1 and/or 1/3 octave real-time frequency analysis allow you to choose either real time analyzer or broadband measurements for one of the virtual sound level meters.
Use high speed USB or removable SD memory to transfer data from your sound level meter to your computer for further analysis.
With a total of twelve available models in the the SoundPro SE/DL Series, one of these noise exposure meters is certain to meet your specific requirements.
Key Features
- Complete session, study and time history logging
- Full 1/1 Octave Spectral Analysis, or
- Full 1/3 Octave Spectral Analysis
Octave Filters (optional)
Number of bands ~ Eleven bands, with center frequencies (fc) ranging from 16 Hz to 16 kHz. The octave filters are flat within < 0.3 dB in each passband. The half-power points are at 0.707 fc and 1.414 fc.- Octave skirts ~ With respect to fc:
- fc/2 frequencies - Approximately 20 dB down
- 2fc frequencies - Approximately 30 dB down
- fc/10 frequencies - Approximately 70 dB down
- 10fc frequencies - Approximately 95 dB down
Third-Octave Filters (optional)
Number of bands - Thirty-three bands, with center frequencies from 12.5 Hz to 20 kHz. The 1/3 octave filters are flat within <0.3 dB in each passband. The half-power points are at 0.89 fc and 1.12 fc.- Third-octave skirts ~ With respect to fc, the fc/2 and 2fc frequencies are both approximately 50 dB down
- Class/Type
- SoundPro DL 1 1/3 (Type 1)
- SoundPro DL 2 1/3 (Type 2)
Measurement Parameters
- RTA range: 10 to 140 in 8 Selectable 80dB Ranges
- Criterion levels: Selectable
- Threshold options: Selectable
- Exchange rates: Selectable
- Weighting: A,C, Z, F
Virtual SLMs
- 2
Available Measurements
- 2 sets of broadband
- Ln
- Lavg, Leq
- Sel
- Taktm
- Ldn
- C-A
- Exposure
DMS Compatible
- Yes
Datalogging Intervals
- 2 Ln values
- Intervals from 1 second to 1 hour
Datalogging Parameters
- 2 sets of broadband:
- Avg
- Max
- Min
- Peak
- Ln
External Memory
- SD memory card
- Used to store data and setups
- ANSI S1.11-2004
- ANSI S1.4-1983
- ANSI S1.43-1997
- IEC 60651
- IEC 60804
- EN/IEC61260
- EN/IEC 61672