Manufacturer: Dexsil
Part Number: CD-DET
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Field screening test for total (halogens) chlorine in used (waste) oil.
NOTE: This product contains mercury, dispose of kits according to local, state or federal laws.
U.S. EPA SW-846 Method 9077 ASTM Method D-5384
CLOR-D-TECT 1000 provides a "go, no-go" result at a level of 1000 ppm chlorine. Used oil transporters, generators and facilities that recycle or re-refine used oil can incorporate Clor-D-Tect 1000 into their management of waste oil to prevent costly hazardous waste from being mixed with non-contaminated oil. Generators can identify and label their waste oil, hazardous or non-hazardous, for proper management and disposal.
Designed for use on-site, the test takes less than 5 minutes to run with no special training. Each kit comes complete to perform one test, and all premeasured reagents are sealed in glass ampules. Clor-D-Tect 1000 has proven to be an ideal test to spot-check oil before it is transported, accepted or introduced into larger holding tanks.
Clor-D-Tect 1000 has been assigned ASTM Method D-5384 and USEPA SW-846 Method 9077.