
Product Category Description Order / Quote
Redi-Flo2 Cooling Shroud 120v AC Submersible Pumps Specifically designed for use with the Grundfos RediFlo 2 in wells 4" in diameter or larger Order / Quote
Redi-Flo4 Submersible Pump 120v AC Submersible Pumps Designed to operate in 4" and larger wells to depths of 524 ft. Order / Quote
Grundfos Redi-Flo2 Submersible Pump
P/N: Redi-Flo2
120v AC Submersible Pumps The Grundfos Redi-Flo2® electrical submersible pump provides smooth, uninterrupted water flow during ground water sampling to depths down to 280 feet (85m). Both high flow rates needed for purging and low flows recommended for sampling are achieved with the same pump. Order / Quote
Grundfos VFD Controller
P/N: VFD Controller
Controllers The Geotech Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is designed to operate and protect the Redi-Flo2® pump. Order / Quote

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